In the Community


In the Community

The FIT Foundation for the Disabled offers revolutionary, human-powered vehicles for disabled individuals, customizing ARC pedals to a wide variety of machines. Decades of hard work have gone into the ARC, an improvement on the traditional bike that’s safer and more accessible to those with physical disabilities. The ARC system can be applied to:

  • Tricycles
  • Paddle boats
  • Stepper generators

And that list is just the beginning. We are passionate about our larger mission. It’s custom work, and we’re happy to do it for those who need it. We want our clients to enjoy movement without worry. If we can achieve that, it’s payment enough.

We are on a mission to place our technology in recreational areas around the world so disabled people may free themselves from being locked up in a home or hospital. When our technology is not being used by the disabled, the general public may use them for a fee. In short, the ARC is an incredible improvement on bikes that are not just accident-prone but inaccessible to those with physical issues. Safe, painstakingly perfected, and ready to go, these are the man-powered vehicles of the future. Learn more about the ARC and get involved with us today.

Connection Opportunities

At FIT Foundation for the Disabled, we have an abiding passion for empowering everyone to move freely and without fear. If you share our passion, we would love to connect and figure out how our revolutionary pedal systems can transform your community. We’re based out of New Jersey, but we’re happy to support communities around the country. We firmly believe that the future is bright for the ARC system and its extensive benefits, we’re excited to connect with you and brainstorm how we can better the lives of those around us. Contact us via the form below to learn more about how you can help!

Connect with us! It’s as easy as that…

If you are looking for your organization, business, or foundation to collaborate with us, please fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.


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